Cholan Book of World Records
International President

India is a country with diversified culture and languages , geographical vastness , difference in political opinion, sensitive religious sentiments and unfortunately a biggest ever gap between the poor and the rich , one thing that unite them all …it’s the Cholan Book of World Records. CBWR is to encourage & assist young people talents with extraordinary performance which is documenting human and natural world records through Cholan Book Of World Records. This organization is properly registered under the central and state governments and it’s an international standard organization. it has opened branches in 26 countries so far. In a short period of 2 years, we have already made a strong mark in the industry by adjudication verifying and certifying around 4000 world records. Our mission and objective for this noble project to recognize throughout cost which would be affordable to the economically challenged talented masses and whose contribution go unnoticed in this demanding world because of financial constrains. Cholan Book Of World Records is an annual reference book published in India,Nigeria and London which is documenting human and natural world records. The world records achieved by humans are further categorized in education, literature,agriculture,medical science,business, sports, martial arts,nature,adventure,radio and cinema with Cholan Book Of World Records rules and regulations.