Alagappan Karthikeyan

Short Intro
Hey, thanks for taking the time to visit karthix web world, know me more. I like listening to music and playing games on android. I am a tech freak and I enjoy flashing android roms, new linux distros work on wordpress plugins, joomla modules.
I believe in learning by experimenting. I started working on the linux and web around 10 years ago. Since then, I’ve worked on everything from GWBasic, COBOL, FORTRAN, dbase, c, Graphics and Print to Video Effects and Web Design. Along the journey, I was fortunate to meet some talented and helping people, who have taught me much.
So do you have an idea we can collaborate on? Have a look at my selected works on this site. Let me know if I can help you or you can use the contact form to just say hi. Have a great day! – email me@karthik.sg